Focus on Wellness not Illness

Mental Health Awareness Ribbon

It has been about a week since I last posted.  I apologize for starting something and not quite following through.  Again.  But that is more of a frustration I have with myself than a feeling of obligation to any other entity.  I have dealt with the mental and emotional rollercoaster for such a long time that starting and losing steam is not new to me.  It gets more frustrating every time I realize I have done this.  The silver lining of this way of life has been the unlimited opportunities I have been able to try, along with parental and peer financial support, since I was very young.  My parents fostered an attitude of The Compassionate Inventor.  Inquisitive, thoughtful, analytical, empathetic, and creative.  Novel.  But mostly I feel like I am a quitter and often don’t fit into the things I try for very long.  My general timeline is a few years committed to one activity.  Music has been something that has tied everything together throughout the years.  Writing and art and computing are in there too.  If all else fails, I can always write it down.  This also helps with my memory issues and distractibility when I have important deadlines.

Rethink Mental Illness

One project I was excited about this month of May was the Mental Health Awareness daily activities and advice.  I got some great information, a calendar made online, tips and advice for healthy living, all printed out and stapled.  I even proclaimed on Facebook that May would be an important month for me.  I was going to celebrate not awareness of MENTAL ILLNESS but awareness of MENTAL and HOLISTIC WELLNESS.  I tried this plan a few years ago on another WordPress blog about being bipolar.  I printed out a year-long plan to discuss aspects of daily living and healthy goals to support a happy life.  I still have the initial outline and fortunately a more experienced perspective on the topics.  My new plan is to continue with coping skills (Deep breathing and positive thinking!  Also digital art and photography which I plan to network out in a more “fine art” niche.  I haven’t read much in a while so I better get on that!  I need more than the noise of Once Upon a Time and Doctor Who while I lay in bed daydreaming!)

The problem with this month was that I had just been released from the looney bin on new meds, ran out of the antipsychotic (Thorazine) and started to have some pretty severe psychotic episodes and general lack of motivation due to being so mentally exhausted.  I had to go through my clinician at the Midtown BASE program (Borderline Personality Disorder experimental Schema group therapy) to the Midtown Crisis Intervention Unit at Wishard Hospital two times.  It took most of the day and I am so grateful that my mother was willing to help.  My clinician witnessed the episode and was able to explain the severity of what I usually try to hide.  I am grateful for her and my growing TEAM of support in the general Midwest.

So here is my thought on Wellness for the day, prompted by a Facebook post comparing mental health checkups to dental checkups:


Regular checkups is what I always say… Not necessarily with a PDOC (psychiatrist) but to a life counselor of sorts who can help you find better solutions and future issues. They help us learn about ourselves, our personalities and mental styles, encouraging our individuality. That is only when we view psychiatry and psychology as a helpful and possibly necessary field of inquiry. I believe our schools should be supporting this view a lot more from the start! The “New Age” Lightworkers are already on this path of internal and peer support and community. I “go Lime” NOT for mental illness but for HOLISTIC WELLNESS and wholehearted non-judgemental support of myself and of every person I meet. (Wherever you go, bring more joy than destruction; positivity over negativity. Lovingkindness and compassion no matter who you are, where you’re from, or how much you know. Humility. Honest assessment of the self, our gifts and our curses that bring us our gifts, in the eyes of God or The Universe so that we may achieve the soul peace and love that every human loses connection to in this physical world.)

Blessings to all and may you all walk in peace!


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